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As you have seen on some of my posts, I am a U.S. Navy Veteran. Spent 4 years in active Service, and apparently didn't have enough the first time around, because I went active reserves for about another year and a half.

Proud of my Country, but not so proud of some of my country's leadership more often than not. Same could be said for alot of the people who also call the U.S.A. home, because we don't always make the best impression when we visit other countries. On behalf of those people, my deepest apologies to the rest of the world.

Currently not a pet co-habitator (not really their owners, many times they seem to be ours instead), but have had many in previous years. Loved them all, and still miss them.

A sick and twisted individual that, for some strange reason, likes the harder puzzles over the easier ones. That might explain why I posted the "Glutton for Punishment" puzzles on here, I guess. And also, if there are the same picture in multiple sized puzzles, I will end up picking the one with the most pieces.

I joined Jigidi on 1 December 2016 and was last seen on 23 February 2023. I've solved 1648 puzzles (0.7 daily) and put together 198693 pieces (87.3 daily)

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20 January 2023 - 4 December 2022
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