waltraud I joined Jigidi on 2 June 2009 and was last seen on 4 October 2011. I've solved 3314 puzzles (3.9 daily) and put together 358504 pieces (419.7 daily) Puzzles published by this user: 1234 Why this advertisement? 11:25 a guest 154 Our hotel in Healsburg, CA 9:24 sophiegrace 117 Nice place to shop 9:15 a guest 117 Lahaina, Maui 10:12 mnpuzlr 2 117 View from our condo - Maui Beach 15:53 billbobfromco 150 San Antonio River 9:52 a guest 140 Maine, believe it to be Camden 10:49 a guest 140 Home on Martha's Vinyard 19:14 jonnyt 221 Brawner farmhouse near the battle of Monassas 7:49 a guest 108 Pretty Home 12:29 klerche 2 126 On my parent's many travels 8:19 joice 126 New Mexico 7:29 a guest 117 Church in Terril, Iowa 13:16 MattF 140 Our Hotel in Poland -- really nice 8:10 lksnewlife 117 Krakow in the snow 9:54 gmaz49 140 Walking up to the Wavel in the cold Oct 14,09 9:04 motomom98 130 Our first day in Poland last week - Cold 13:25 a guest 165 Old church in Antonienhuette, now in Poland 5:29 SharonAnn 80 near an old church in Poland 4:40 SharonAnn 80 Weed overgrown cemetery of germans in a Polish cemetery 3:49 eyelvpuzls 80 Gay Head Cliffs, Martha's Vinyard 4:42 a guest 88 Beautiful sunset 9:41 cada 126 High in the Alps 5:49 minime 88 Serenity 10:36 a guest 140 Rothenburg ob der Tauber 5 August 2011 - 1 September 2009 1234 More puzzles Why this advertisement?