Teejay I joined Jigidi on 15 May 2008 and was last seen on 14 October 2013. I've solved 3052 puzzles (1.5 daily) and put together 259249 pieces (131 daily) Puzzles published by this user: 2:04 anettka85 48 Night Shade 2:42 bythelake 64 my first mosaic 2:29 Roxanne 70 Butterflies for Roxanne! 2:31 Roxanne 70 Fairies for Roxanne! 2:47 Roxanne 72 Hummingbirds for Roxanne! 108 lucy ball flowers 8:33 Teejay 108 marigold 8:40 Teejay 108 barn 12:33 migdk 108 Lily Of The Valley 15 August 2009 - 27 May 2008 Why this advertisement?