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I like to make puzzles from my favorite photography subject/subjects, mainly my Irish Wolfhounds. We currently have five. Olibhe (pronounced Olive) Katie, Mathilda, and two of Olibhe's puppies, Silas and Pi. We also have a Border Terrier named Dickens.

Most of the photos I make puzzles of are taken by myself and are taken here in Western Montana where we live, and other travels over the years.

I hope you enjoy. Jenn

I joined Jigidi on 19 April 2020 and was last seen on 14 September 2024. I've solved 4156 puzzles (2.6 daily) and put together 502767 pieces (312.5 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

11 December 2023 - 24 March 2022
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