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After living in seven foreign countries and 17 different places within seven states, I am delighted to call Weaverville, NC, HOME. We still love to travel, now for fun instead of in service to our country (my husband's retired from the Dept. of State), and I enjoy puzzles of places we've been to or would like to see. My (over?) involvement with Jigidi is all my sister's fault!
The picture is of "The Lantau Mask" created during our time in Hong Kong - the bone (pelvic girdle of a small cow?) was washed up on the shore of Lantau Island. It was presented to our son at his college graduation.

I joined Jigidi on 22 February 2015 and was last seen on 19 November 2024. I've solved 6335 puzzles (1.8 daily) and put together 390418 pieces (109.7 daily)

Puzzles published by this user:

9 March 2024 - 24 February 2018
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