lnmiller I joined Jigidi on 11 September 2014 and was last seen on 2 January 2020. I've solved 2630 puzzles (1.4 daily) and put together 218360 pieces (112.6 daily) Puzzles published by this user: Why this advertisement? 5:25 hereagain 100 22089329_10155857517747502_8777165478579779511_n 10:34 valde 2 120 22104685_10155857525422502_6786414153553137561_o 6:06 Mookie 80 22046403_10155857524552502_8602550259473032978_n 6:37 Liden 1 80 22046466_10155857519392502_4147711409686310909_n 7:28 altheaaayap 110 22089206_10155857508007502_6973337082068683359_n 4:19 Chikkee 1 100 22045608_10155857515172502_8789785598189864374_n 8:54 Helix 96 TABLE OF COLOR PETUNIA 7:27 ivica53 1 96 TABLE OF COLOR 5:55 _k8_ 88 Back yard hibiscus 7:02 GmaBee 5 81 Baby Ziva 10:59 lnmiller 100 Ziva as a pup 12:06 amf 1 108 Gracie Rose 8:36 Sharai 1 108 Gracie 11:31 GmaBee 6 117 Guinness lad 10:17 ptreyn 140 Flower garden 11:59 Kate109 126 Pretty red 26 February 2018 - 27 October 2015 Why this advertisement?