Solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles


Recovered from breast cancer. But at same time was losing my ability to walk. Because of Covid my diagnosis took two years after my MRI’s. I have multiple sclerosis. Walking is a struggle. I love looking at food and talking about food. I belong to quite a few Facebook groups that is why I realized some of those posts were beautiful and would make wonderful puzzles. I hope you enjoy my creations. I got nervous after viewing copyright video and deleted my puzzles I got from Facebook groups. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I joined Jigidi on 20 December 2008 and was last seen on 21 January 2025. I've solved 97574 puzzles (16.6 daily) and put together 4872185 pieces (829.1 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

15 November 2024 - 24 September 2022
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