hend I joined Jigidi on 4 January 2013 and was last seen on 12 June 2013. I've solved 761 puzzles (4.8 daily) and put together 71324 pieces (447.9 daily) Puzzles created by this user: 8:43 hend 100 Memories..... 7:38 cybilminded 1 121 Mind and Soul! 2:18 ukiepower 1 48 Broken.... 2:20 thee 63 g.just married 4:48 Creed 77 Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi Japan. 2:05 nfourni 48 Awesome 'Peacock' cake 4:10 fidorka 1 64 beautiful... 1:57 bloorox 1 48 I don't mind being there either... 1:56 MissLehrer 1 48 I would love to be there. 3:58 Jigoku 70 Mother and child 13 May 2013 - 8 January 2013 Why this advertisement?