Solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles


I love solving puzzles of any kind! I am an avid mystery devotee! I am also an animal lover. My mantra is "If it has feathers or fur and ends up in my yard it gets fed". I have 3 kitty "buddies" that delight me with their antics. It helps to have "on-line" puzzles since my "buddies" love to help me with the table top puzzles. I am inevitably a piece, or two, or three, or more short when I finish the table top puzzles. With the on-line puzzles, my buddies can sit in the cat condo I have on a shelf close to the monitor and keep me company and not disturb the puzzle solving! I have enjoyed Jigidi puzzles for many years and finally decided to "sign up"!

I joined Jigidi on 17 April 2019 and was last seen on 24 January 2025. I've solved 15052 puzzles (7.1 daily) and put together 1757894 pieces (833.6 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

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5 April 2024 - 21 February 2022
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