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My primary account is Bluebonnet; Jigidi friends call me Blue. Bluestockings began as an account devoted to images of men, which led to my posting a lot of portraits. I've broadened my horizons to include art that is a bit less pretty, maybe more challenging, than the art posted by Bluebonnet. "Bluestocking" was a term for an educated, intellectual woman, originally applied to members of the 18th-century Blue Stockings Society in England.

I joined Jigidi on 6 February 2019 and was last seen on 19 September 2024. I've solved 3261 puzzles (1.6 daily) and put together 314478 pieces (153.3 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

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16 September 2024 - 1 September 2024
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