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Bluebonnet is my primary account. The bluebonnet is the official state flower of Texas, where I spent the first 40 years of my life. For the next 20 years I lived in various places around the world and in the Washington, DC, area. My husband and I now live in central Virginia with our dearly loved Airedale terrier, who was abused by a previous owner and still has some baggage from that, although he is so much better than he was four years ago.

As Bluestockings, I post paintings that are less pretty, perhaps more serious, than those posted by Bluebonnet. I do assign keywords to my puzzles (e.g., landscape, interior, woman, man, dog, artist's last name). If an artist's last name is very common, or is also a word, like "Gay," I will also use the first name. With the exception of "van Gogh," I do not use "van," "von," or "de"—just the primary name. I have a list of Jigidi users I tag when I post a Huge puzzle (400+ pieces). Let me know if you'd like to belong to this exclusive club. :-)

I joined Jigidi on 19 February 2010 and was last seen on 13 September 2024. I've solved 12484 puzzles (2.3 daily) and put together 1152388 pieces (216.6 daily)

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8 July 2024 - 1 July 2024
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