arabesque I joined Jigidi on 7 June 2016 and was last seen on 20 December 2023. I've solved 11279 puzzles (4.1 daily) and put together 297339 pieces (108.1 daily) Puzzles created by this user: 1234567 Why this advertisement? 0:18 Cheannie 2 16 fiore giallo 0:19 Teagardener 4 15 fiore viola 0:23 Teagardener 1 18 fiore arancio 0:21 musicelephant 1 16 Fiore lilla 0:15 Puzzleracer 3 12 foglia 0:56 Navea 2 32 Vaso di vetro 1:02 chuckles1953 3 28 Ortensie 1:05 Navea 2 35 I too received the Easter egg! 1:15 valerie01 36 laila 1:31 valerie01 4 36 laila 1:16 Team_Bunnies 3 35 giara 1:47 Ianto 1 35 3 lampioni 2:04 Ianto 49 Primavera, lavori in corso 2:24 Ianto 42 ramo di ciliegio 1:41 Ianto 1 42 fiore di ciliegio 1:27 Ianto 36 fiore giallo 0:32 Ianto 3 18 primavera 0:48 Dclo 1 35 Rebound 1:20 Ianto 36 Black and gray 1:45 LadyLynnP 3 35 black and yellow 1:18 era4 2 35 Houses in Alassio (Italy) 1:27 Ianto 35 Houses in Alassio (Italy) 0:26 Ribs 2 20 Ville di Alassio (Italy) 0:47 Grump 2 25 Peace 28 April 2022 - 2 March 2022 1234567 More puzzles Why this advertisement?