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In honor of PutterDutt, I returned so I could post a puzzle in her memory. I am deeply saddened that she has passed. Ellen was truly a special person whom I only really knew on this social media platform. She was wonderful.

Below is the message I left when I quit Jigidi in 2021:

Thank you to all who welcomed me to the Jigidi community and have solved my puzzles from August 2020 to August 2021. I removed access to all of my published puzzles in August; although, through Google, there may be some links yet available.

Because of the disturbing trends in social media of which Jigidi is a member, I have decided to remove as much of my public presence as possible. There are many I will miss from this site. I think you know who you are.

But that is another problem I have with Jigidi. There is no way to maintain a friendly connection except through public comments. I do not know if I want to share same with the thousands of Jigidi accounts and the unknown viewers all over the world.

May all my Jigidi friends have the most positive experiences everywhere and the best of lives. I will truly miss you.

I joined Jigidi on 21 August 2020 and was last seen on 31 August 2024. I've solved 1646 puzzles (1.1 daily) and put together 78568 pieces (53.4 daily)

Puzzles created by this user:

30 November 2023 - 9 January 2021
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