I'm Joe from east of Cincinnati, Ohio. wjl1015 & MusicManJoe are my only active accounts!!
I post puzzles titled Today In Music History. Fun facts you may not know about your favorite songs and artists.
Sadly due to severe pain from injuries and surgeries, I'm posting a lot less than I used to. When I get them, I also post pics & videos of my grandchildren and great grandchildren! I hope you enjoy them!!
I would love to hear your comments, share what you think about the song/artist or anything else that's on your mind.
Look forward to hearing from you all!!
I want to add that I have made so many great friends on here and everyone has made me feel welcomed and I want to thank you all for that!! I may not be posting as many puzzles because I'm devoting more time to my music than before. I was almost totally incapacitated and could barely play, but things seemed to have improved a bit so I'm going to try and make up for lost time! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Other accounts that are NOT active but have some posts you may like are JoesPlace, MyOtherName, MyOtherName2 & Joes_Playlist.
Ik ben lid geworden van Jigidi op 24 januari 2012 en ben voor het laatst gezien op 2 februari 2023. Ik heb 258363 puzzels opgelost (64.1 dagelijks) en 6334156 stukjes in elkaar gezet (1572.6 dagelijks)