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Cat and flowers

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A happy, bright picture to express how I feel.
I found a new apartment for Bailey (my cat) and me! No more mice, no more old plumbing that breaks, no more tripping on torn linoleum, no more bugs that come out of the cracked plaster, no more drafty windows, no more dripping faucets... I am so excited!
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  1. scladybug3:17
  2. sobby93:19
  3. fergissimo3:22
  4. Fulton3:27
  5. TINKY3:28
  6. jasonchung3:32
  7. lorijean53:40
  8. Nepomuk3:45
  9. tammy6663:48


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


A happy, contented and intelligent cat.

I hope you are enjoying your new apartment with your cat, Vtsnowangel.

Loved it Moi


Oh, sweet Soo, Milly and Willow, I can't tell you how happy I am. Bailey will be able to step out on the balcony and watch the birds. I'm thinking of screening the balcony just in case something scares her so she won't fall off. We will be on the second floor.


Lovely puzzle.
I am so pleased you have found a new apartment. I hope you and Bailey will be happy in your new home. Hugs, soo, Milly & Willow xxx


Thank you Jeribar8, I'm glad you liked it.

Such kind words, Frandancer, thank you. I'm sure My cat and I will be a little scared, when we move, but we will have each other to lean on.

Thank you, Jigidijo! You are so welcome. We will be so happy once we settle in.

So happy for you and Bailey! Thanks for sharing : )


I can tell from your post how happy you are, and although I do not know you, I am happy FOR you and Bailey! I wish you health and happiness in your new home! :)


Cute picture...love the bright colors...

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  • Wat zijn de symbolen op de legpuzzels?

    Als je puzzels bekijkt op Jigidi, zie je misschien verschillende symbolen op de puzzels. Met één symbool kun je de puzzel bookmarken voor later, en andere symbolen vertellen je over eerdere activiteiten die je met de puzzel hebt gedaan.
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