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Cute spider

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  1. Kieselchen3:46
  2. hadzi3:58
  3. muse2me3:58
  4. alena14:06
  5. Amithralia4:20
  6. lindz4:28
  7. yellowrose4:38
  8. djluka4:58
  9. caroljan5:07
  10. MaryOz20225:14


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


She's so small, I doubt it would register if it jumped on me. . . so many things just get brushed away, honestly.
The names are just grand - whether in English "moustache" and "donkey ears" or in the ancient language "mytax" and "asinarius". . . it is all very smile-worthy, which explains her expression.


Thank you!!! I love it. Note: I'm not saying I would like it to jump on me, but it would be welcome as a houseguest if it promised not to do so.

I followed the link provided below by alumnainfo and this is what Wikipedia had to say:
"Phidippus mystaceus is a species of jumping spider that is found in North America. Females grow to about 1 centimetre (0.39 in) in body length.

The species name is derived from the Ancient Greek mystax, meaning 'moustache', which the females of this species feature. An older synonym of the species is P. asinarius, referring to the markings above the eyes that look similar to donkey ears."

Aren't the names wonderful, too?

And, thank you, @hadzi!



Thought you might enjoy arachnid amigas!



*Curiosa araña. La hemos encontrado en Google 👌👍

Phidippus mystaceus


Cute, but still scary...I'd be screaming if I came across this! : )


Oh thank you PG! We cancelled our cable, so I haven't seen him either. Now I will! Thanks!


I love Spongebob too! We don't have regular TV, so haven't seen him in years. Checking now to see if he is on YouTube! Yup, he's on there, & it's FREEE! :)


@PuzzleG Gina, my husband is pleased that you both like Lucas. I wish there was more about Lucas.
A kid's show would be great. We enjoy Spongebob........We'd watch Lucas. Hugs back.


@julie88, I did see Lucas & the Polar Bear, it is my favorite so far! I played Lucas for my Hubby, & he thinks Lucas is cute too. ((HUGS)) Gina


I'm glad you enjoyed Lucas, PuzzleG. Good Monday, Julie.


No I haven't seen that one yet, but I will watch it. I just watched a compilation of him, & it was so cute & funny!


@PuzzleG Yes, Lucas is the best! Did you see Lucas and the Polar Bear ? I love all the clips. Glad you liked him!


Hey, @julie88, thanks for the heads up about Lucas, I just watched him on YouTube, & he is hillarious! I HATE spiders, but I'm making an exception with Lucas. He is definitely the cutest & least scary spider I have ever seen!


Has anyone seen Lucas the spider on youtube ?

Well, I suppose this is cute to some but I don't think I can even think of this one as cute. I would just rather not be where a spider is or have a spider invade my space. BunnyLeigh


Yes, Julie! If all spiders looked like this one, I doubt I would be as terrified of them as I am. I was honestly, literally attacked by a black widow in a neighbor's garage when I was only about 4. I don't even remember the incident, but the friend saw the spider coming down on her web right above me, & snatched me out of harm's way just in time. I think that may be why I have a huge phobia of all spiders. I can't even kill them! I just scream "Spider!", & hopefully someone comes & kills it for me, usually my big, brave Hubby, LOL!


real or not, gotta' laugh!


Not sure if this is a real, actual spider, or if someone is putting us on, but it really is very cute. I LOATHE spiders (you have no idea!), but I LOVE this, especially since it's just a picture & not around me, LOL!


I don't know weather cute is the right word for a spider. Unusual, I would say .


There's not much scarier than a spider smiling. :)


Extremely cute!!!

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