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  1. Dclo2:55
  2. Jyj3:53
  3. aremgee4:06
  4. Dawnie555:25
  5. nanlein5:42
  6. Miaumiau6:23
  7. dcdhart6:24
  8. introvertka6:26
  9. redina16:45
  10. illanna6:48


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


Jack, i found you through @seagirl17. So sorry you lost your daughter, she was lovely.


what a beautiful daughter


This is a very nice kitchen with a great view out the window. I read your bio and have to tell you how sorry I am about your daughter. I know your faith has helped you carry on and it is wonderful how you work with your church to help the community. It is very nice meeting you. :))

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