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Kitty Hawk 1st flight

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his face says it all!
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  1. crambob5:31
  2. walkingbarb508:28
  3. Azuri8:50
  4. kayboblee9:19
  5. CIW9:39
  6. rduket11:14
  7. blondebabydeer12:08
  8. alias2v12:09
  9. OwenKL12:09
  10. alica12:13


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


Fantastic sculpture and lovely image. The Wright brothers were remarkable men, so it's nice to see them honoured this way. Thank you for sharing. :)


My husband's mother lived across the street from the Wright Brothers had a bicycle shop. Small world.


It's one of several sculptures on the Kitty Hawk site. All of it makes a great stop on a sight-seeing vacation.


Yes, I was surprised there were no comments too. The sculptor really captured his excitement & wonder, probably including wondering if he would survive, LOL! My Dad worked for a company building aircraft in San Diego, & I've wondered about whether the Wright Brothers had any idea how far their invention would go (pun intended).


Wow! I contributed this so long ago, and you're the first to comment. I just love Wright's face. And likely he never dreamed how far his small flight would take the world.


@kshastings, thank you for sharing this challenging puzzle commemorating this amazing event, & the brave brothers who dared to follow their dreams! ~ :) Gina, in Oregon

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