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Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


@MariaYorks1, I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for solving.
Welcome to Jigidi.

Lots of fun to complete.


Lucky ducks - they are obviously in good hands in your care. Your pool look so cool and refreshing, and beautiful. Thanks for the photo and puzzle. Good luck, and keep us posted. (✬‿✬) - Teresa


Thanks T&F. No bookings necessary as apparently we have a open door policy. Our high of 96 degrees today may be a little warm.


Momma duck obviously knows where she will be safe Gulliver . . . maybe she overheard the raccoons singing your praises. Even though you managed to evict them it was done humanely and I'm sure you will be able to work something out and move the family on to a more suitable home . . . ;-)

Great pool by the way . . . an ideal spot for a little frog like me to holiday . . . are you taking bookings? lol


That could prove interesting...


Thanks 3go. I am going to put a sea turtle float in the pool and see how they react to it.


I remember that raccoon saga you had...

Lovely pool, Gulliver, and lovely duck family. That the two are found together on your property is not so lovely.

Thank you for sharing, thanks for puzzle, and I wish you luck with the duck family moving out of your pool pronto.


Thank you bookish. So far I will gladly take the duck problem over the raccoon saga we had last year.


What a nuisance for you. Good luck. BTW, that is one gorgeous pool.


Thank you Sharon.

From what I have read the chlorine isn't a problem but pools are not the best place for ducks to raise their young (no food source). I had to build a make shift ramp out of a piece of wood wraped in a towel for the little ones to get out or they would have drowned. Fortunately they figured out how to use it. Now I am working on a way to get them to a more suitable home.

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