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Captain Ron

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This is one of 2 boats used to make the "Captain Ron" movie. I photographed it at Kemah, on the Texas Coast.
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  1. Ribs0:15
  2. crambob0:19
  3. dalelawler0:21
  4. glenestele0:21
  5. Robbos0:22
  6. JUNKMAN0:22
  7. dukeycash0:23
  8. vialma0:23
  9. JennyG660:23
  10. dendro0:24


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


Sue, Thinking of you today here at Jigidi, and hoping you are well and enjoying a Happy Birthday. ☀️


thanks for that info


Missing you hope everything is good
Come back soon


Interesting, thanks :))


yeah. I was passionate about scuba diving, about being weightless underwater. But we left our Caribbean sailboat life, after surgery precluded diving forever.


I love that you call yourself a 'Beached Mermaid'.

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