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For adcollins9-Dulcie

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Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


Libby, so sorry for your loss. Beautiful Dulcie was and is so loved.


very cute. It is indeed a gift to instill such a smile from just being.


Lovely pup you have there, and behaving beautifully shy for the occasion too.


resharam, maybe something is getting lost in the translation, but I don't quite understand your comment. What do you mean by shoot it? I also don't get the punctuation >:3, does no. jk mean no joke (or just kidding)?


so cute i could shoot it >:3 no. jk happy holidays


Hey Libby, you're in the posting business. Great!


Wow Java-nice to see her in large-thanks


And sweet she is! Thanks, Ms Libby :-) And thanks to adcollins9 for getting Ms Libby to post this! We get to share it too :-)

PS Is Roxie next? Or Java?


She was such an adorable puppy... Now all grown up to a beautiful girl... Your first javasage puzzle... What a treat... Right proud of you Ms Libby.... Thanks... :) :)


What a perfect name!

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