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Man's Girlfriend Let Cat Eat Bacon, Man Called Police

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A story from 2015.

"There are a lot of reasons why you might call the cops while at home—like somebody breaking in, or somebody breaking in and remaining hidden in your house for five days. But you probably shouldn't alert the authorities if your household pet eats your side of bacon.

The West Yorkshire Police Department received this phone call last year, from a man who clearly had a situation on his hands—his girlfriend allegedly fed his cat some bacon—but didn't know what to do about it. When the operator asked what, exactly, he wanted the police to do, his answer was simple: justice. He wanted both the cat and the girlfriend arrested.

The operator is about as nice as possible when she explains that giving cats bacon is not a crime. The man, however, is reluctant to accept it. Listen to audio from the call above."

Mischka here. I couldn't find a pic of a cat eating bacon, which seems to break some Internet rule; and I couldn't run the audio.

A different site reports:

"Law enforcement officers have one of the hardest, most dangerous jobs around, but no amount of training could have prepared the West Yorkshire Police Department for a caller demanding an arrest over a bacon-loving feline.

Authorities released audio from the 2014 call, which goes from zero to absurd right from the very start, with the unnamed caller immediately stating that the reason he is calling is because his girlfriend let her cat eat his bacon.

The baffled operator attempts to get some clarity—or perhaps she just can't believe what she's just heard—but the man's story remains the same the second time around, and he follows up his claim with a request that charges be pressed against both his girlfriend and the cat itself.

Arguing can be heard in the background as the man pleads for justice, but he eventually relents when the operator repeatedly insists that the incident is not something the police can help with." (https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/cat-bacon-police-call/)

The photo above is from https://new.smalljoys.tv/32-instantly-love/ and I immediately thought: That cat is thinking, "This bowl and this glass are too narrow for my whiskers!"
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  1. lordmojo10:02
  2. msbonne12:47
  3. carrps17:31
  4. Talana17:46
  5. Mischka17:46
  6. pholmes20:05
  7. janejig20:05
  8. yarnover20:59
  9. Lisora21:06
  10. meridith130022:13


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


That girlfriend might want to find another boyfriend. Sheesh!


fear not, I have several hearts in stock ready for immediate shipment.


Tell that to my cardiologist! (fortunately that one I do not need yet!)


You have a good heart DJ.


Someone did!!! I can hear the sirens now!!!

I'm not worried about the financial aspect...that's not a problem at all. Just want what's right for her. Keep her around for another year or two for our sake and still have the same outcome or have her go earlier and be happy. Flip - Flop - Flip - Flop


Bela is also on medicated food. I pour tuna juice on it to make it palatable. But if he doesn't finish it, I give him something else (following Hoff's advice). He's only 6 and seems fine with the medicated crunchies. It is a tough call, I agree. I'd tell the vet and see if there's a financially acceptable alternative. If he says no, well, none of us are going to turn you in.


A very tough choice, but the right one to make. :(


Thanks. We will get through this. My Dad (the Keeper of the Mild) will be waiting for her. She will be in good hands.


I am sorry you are facing this.


I did try the mixing the small amount with the stuff she likes and NOPE!!! She would not eat it. All she did was beg for something to eat 'cause she was hungry.

I will take anyone's opinion. I think we will keep her happy. She's 16 and has had a very good life. I will hate to have her go, but she will go with a smile on her face!


If your cat is not happy, keeping it semi miserable, is really more for you than for the cat. I fully understand the desire to prolong life, think how you would feel about a family member, who was so miserable, that they would not eat. You could either make them comfortable, or have a feeding tube inserted.

As you were not asking my opinion, I do apologize. If it were me, I would make the feline as happy as possible.


Trying mixing a small amount of the new food in with her old food.
Gradually increase the amount of new food, and reduce the amount of old food until you can eliminate the old food.


My cat uses her paws to drink water if she doesn't have ice cubes floating in it. I think her eye sight is also going. Poor baby. That's what old age does do you.

Let me know what you think (and be totally honest)....she HATES the new food the vet put her on because of her failing kidneys (refuses to eat it at all). We are thinking of just feeding her like normal and have her happy for her remaining days than trying to force her to eat something she doesn't like and have her live for maybe a year longer. What do you think. It is such a tough decision.


Cats doing Cute Things is a worldwide industry.

And you're right about them using their paws!


Dj, when I was looking for a pic of cats with bacon, I came across many sites that answered whether it's okay to feed them bacon: Yes, but only a small portion, and not every day. They love it because it's fatty and salty. Sound familiar?

I love it!! Thank you.


Well, that's warranting a call to 911. No one or nothing messes with my BACON!!!!


Thanks, R'star!


@Donnajames - or jump on the table and go for the big plate. :D


Bacon is serious business.


I love watching "Live PD" and some of the calls and situations these poor cops have to deal with is darn right funny and absurd! I can believe this really did happen.

The cat above is just waiting for the person to look away so it can knock over the glass and then reach into the bowl with its paw to get the food out. They don't want you to see how clever they are!


I found a report of the phone call on Youtube.com.


I apologize, as most of the video is a guy making fun of the call, but it does play the audio part of the call.

More puzzels van katten

29 september 2020 - 23 maart 2018
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