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dog & crow

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After spending a lot of time alone in the same room of the owner‘s house, they grew fond of each other.
T he crow is almost always on the dog's back, the dog even barks when people try to touch his pal. The owner
built a custom harness for more comfortable rides.
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  1. hadzi2:42
  2. Sharai3:22
  3. giblet3:34
  4. liz553:43
  5. Nyx3:49
  6. amf3:55
  7. GmaBee3:57
  8. greenie4:08
  9. catpaws4:25


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.

Lovely story to go with lovely puzzle! Thank you :-)

So adorable - wonderful story.

More puzzels met honden

9 augustus 2021 - 23 maart 2018
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