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  1. Irenetati9:11
  2. Jontue11:26
  3. Sprukitz11:44
  4. katonthenet11:59
  5. lilibetg12:33
  6. polle13:00
  7. waltraud13:24
  8. barcelona13:59
  9. Ianto14:16
  10. SoPuzzled14:37


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To be completely honest, this is our next door neighbors porch and doorway! :-) She (my really good friend) just had prettier flowers than I did! We had 5 aspen and a birch growing in on our yard and nothing grew there. Since felling all of them I'm afraid of going to the back yard, I'd get lost in there. Every summer now, I'm expecting George of the Jungle come slinging in between the bushes and Tarzan doing the same. Nettles back there grow to be my height (5'5'') and evil...


..and that's the truth!:)

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