Puzzels oplossen, maken, delen en erover praten

We hebben je hulp nodig! ♥

Hallo Jigidi puzzelaars,

Deze blogpost is een beetje anders dan onze gebruikelijke posts. We hebben een belangrijke boodschap: We hebben je hulp nodig om Jigidi te ondersteunen.

Jigidi is een groeigemeenschap in de breedste zin van het woord. En we vinden het heerlijk om die te faciliteren, om mee te buigen om de voorwaarden te blijven verbeteren voor de acties die we willen laten plaatsvinden omdat ze mentale groei en gezondheid ondersteunen.

Als we op Jigidi zijn, maken we zinvolle verbindingen terwijl hersentrainingsoefeningen zoals oplossen, creëren, onderzoeken, debatteren, leren en nog veel meer plaatsvinden.

En zo bestrijden we cognitieve achteruitgang, eenzaamheid, stress en online tribalisme ♥

Maar vandaag hebben we jullie hulp nodig en we hebben een speciale boodschap voor jullie allemaal:

We zijn afhankelijk van uw steun om onze gemeenschap in stand te houden, dus help ons alstublieft door:

  1. lid worden van Jigidi Plus, ons betaalde lidmaatschapsprogramma, of
  2. Sta het bekijken van advertenties toe op Jigidi (schakel een adblocker uit).

Waarom dit bericht?

In het verleden heeft Jigidi vooral vertrouwd op advertenties voor inkomsten. En dat ging jarenlang prima.

Hoewel we onze advertenties tot een minimum hebben beperkt om een evenwicht te vinden tussen de gebruikerservaring en de behoefte aan inkomsten, waren de inkomsten voldoende om Jigidi in stand te houden.

De advertenties hebben geholpen om de kosten te dekken van servers, onderhoud, een gespecialiseerd team en de voortdurende ontwikkeling die nodig is om ervoor te zorgen dat Jigidi de plek bij uitstek blijft om puzzels op te lossen en te maken. En om medepuzzelaars van over de hele wereld te ontmoeten in een vriendelijke en nieuwsgierige leeromgeving.

Wereldwijde instabiliteit, privacymaatregelen en inflatie, naast een snelle daling van de prijs-kwaliteitverhouding van advertenties en de verspreiding van advertentieblokkers, hebben dit model echter zwaar op de proef gesteld en we bereiken nu een punt waarop we uw steun hard nodig hebben om onze community in stand te houden.

Laten we eens kijken naar de twee manieren waarop je Jigidi kunt steunen.

Word lid van Jigidi Plus

Als je een Jigidi Plus-lidmaatschap koopt, kun je genieten van Jigidi zonder advertenties.

Maar het lidmaatschap, dat momenteel 6 USD voor 3 maanden of 18 USD per jaar kost, is meer dan alleen een reclamevrije Jigidi-ervaring. Het is een krachtige manier om actief bij te dragen aan het platform en de community, waardoor we een solide financiële basis hebben om te innoveren en te groeien op een manier die alle gebruikers ten goede komt.

Verder zullen er in de toekomst functies en voordelen zijn die alleen voor Jigidi Plus leden zijn (let wel, dit zullen geen 'need-to-have' Jigidi functies zijn, maar 'nice-to-have' functies ☺).

Ongeveer 1% van de actieve gebruikers is lid van Jigidi Plus en het zou een groot verschil maken als dat aantal zou stijgen.

Advertenties toestaan - adblocker uitschakelen

Het wijdverbreide gebruik van advertentieblokkers is een grote uitdaging voor ons geworden.

15-20% van onze gebruikers maakt gebruik van deze tools die voorkomen dat advertenties worden weergegeven, waardoor het aantal impressies waarmee onze activiteiten worden gefinancierd, afneemt. Als gevolg hiervan zijn onze inkomsten aanzienlijk gedaald, waardoor we minder mogelijkheden hebben om nieuwe functies uit te rollen, de stabiliteit van het platform te verbeteren en een naadloze ervaring voor alle gebruikers te behouden.

Als je geen Jigidi Plus lidmaatschap hebt gekocht en je ziet geen advertenties, dan heb je waarschijnlijk een advertentie blocker geïnstalleerd. Als dit het geval is, overweeg dan om een uitzondering te maken voor Jigidi zodat advertenties op dit platform worden weergegeven. Bekijk hier hoe u een uitzondering kunt maken.

Uw steun bij het toestaan van advertenties op Jigidi kan een significant verschil maken in ons vermogen om onze community in stand te houden en verder te ontwikkelen.

Jouw bijdrage telt

Elke puzzel die je maakt, oplost of becommentarieert is goed voor je hersenen (en dat laatste is echt goed voor de ziel van iedereen die erbij betrokken is).

En elke advertentieblokkering die je uitschakelt of elk abonnement dat je koopt, is een cruciale bijdrage die ons helpt deze nieuwsgierige, vriendelijke en creatieve leerruimte voor puzzelliefhebbers wereldwijd in stand te houden en de toegankelijkheid ervan voor iedereen te garanderen.

Bedankt dat je deel uitmaakt van onze community. Of je nu advertenties toestaat of lid wordt van Jigidi Plus, weet dat je steun absoluut van onschatbare waarde voor ons is ♥

Met dankbaarheid,

Magnus en Mette, Jigidi


Meld je aan om te reageren. Heb je nog geen profiel? Word nu lid! Lid worden is helemaal gratis en er zijn geen persoonlijke gegevens nodig.


Hi. I will join up on this side as well. By Friday, it shall be complete. I cannot remember what I did last time..... It seems a long ago though it is not.


Bring out the ads.


We are currently unemployed so joining would be difficult. I have brain problems so cannot deal with distracting advertising. The best I can do is promise to join up for the money addition as soon as we are employed again. We both hope that will be soon.


Okay, I've rejoined, after being a non-member for a couple of years. Could I ask for something in return? The old interface, removed in 2021, had more features and options. Could these be returned in some way? Specifically an in-line display of percentage completed, and secondly the ability to see options without seeing the spoiler picture. I find it more challenging to do puzzles blind, so the ability to hide the picture would be very welcome.

The loss of the old interface is the reason I didn't renew in 2022.

Have just signed up for 3 months via paypal. I didn't have an adblocker, but do want to help you guys out. Love doing Jigidi

As soon as I started to use this platform I realized that ads are distracting me.
So from the first month onwards I decided for the PLUS membership and haven't regretted spending a few Euros to keep this beautiful idea alive.
Please continue with this app and all the luck to you.


I disabled my ad blocker


I absolutely LOVE Jigidi and have enjoyed using it DAILY for about a decade, I think. I do not have an ad blocker, but I still will become a Plus member as soon as I can—because I just could not live without my Jigidi!! LOL! Thank you for all you do!!


@Bluebonnet 👍😊


@Matt_W Please see @JayneH's comment below. Of course you and all your friends are satisfied with Temu. Temu wants your business, your repeat business—and it wants to continue collecting data on you and your friends, not necessarily for the straightforward purpose of profit-making. In exchange for those goods, you and other purchasers are giving access to your data and possibly access to your computer to an agent of the Chinese government. Not a good tradeoff.

Thanks, @JayneH. Let's hope we don't get censored. 🙂


Ditto to Bluebonnet's comment regarding awareness of Temu after Wikipedia's revelations!

[[[[Matt_W 19 May 2024
@Bluebonnet I and almost ALL of my family and friends have been using and ENJOYING items from Temu for over a year with absolutely NO ISSUES!!! They have fast shipping and EXCELLENT customer service!!!]]]]

Matt - the reason you and your family have not been defrauded in any manner and you've been pleased with your business with TEMU is because Temu does NOT target purchasing customers - resellers and other handlers/sellers under the 'brand' are defrauded in many other important and illegal areas. (Hopefully, you all will read and UNDERSTAND the important info in this Wikipedia link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temu_(marketplace) and make a knowledgeable decision about further buying practices.)

18/yr is a pittance for the enjoyment we all receive!


I am delighted to assist in any way that I can. I enjoy JIGIDI totally. I will send the necessary C. Card info etc by Wednesday, June 12th.


PayPal would be the best option for me.

Hi! Just want to let you know that I don't use any ad blockers.
Puzzle on, everybody, and three cheers for Jigidi!

I ignore ads - BUT I hit one of the green tabs that says ""Resume" or "continue"
on the upper left and got hacked immediately with the blaring noise and flashing lights that say the computer is compromised and dont turn it off.

I reported it but it is still on. Otherwise now that I can ignore that message,
I am a daily player of jigidi and love it. Bluedenim


@Pussle @WillEckerslike @babka1948 Go ahead and start the process. There will be a pull-down menu from which you can select the country of your residence. Your credit card will be billed for the equivalent of USD 18.00 in your country's currency. So at today's exchange rate, a citizen of the UK would be billed for 14.12 pounds.


Would it be possible for you enable payment in currencies other than $USD?


$18 is a BARGAIN. Thank you so much for this wonderful site.


Betalen kan via je account .


@puzzlecpa No, you do not have to. You can if you'd like to.



I am 82 years old and low income. I love Jigidi.
I cannot pay for a membership. I put up with ads for that reason.

I paid $9 for no ads when I joined years ago. Do I need to pay again now?


Mám moc ráda JIGIDI. Omlouvám se, jsem v důchodu a nemám možnost platit v dolarech. Helena


I am thinking of becoming a paid member but what is the cost for me in England which is not mentioned?


It is a pleasure to be part of this wonderful community!


Just signed up. :)


It's a bargain at your proposed fee and as an early joining member of the Jigidi Community (2008) as well as an ad suppressor, like many respondents to this blog PayPal is my means of online payment. Please investigate and initiate a PayPal account and let us know if it becomes a reality.


@sierrasue Actually, it's more like $.05 a day.


Yes, I also would be willing to make an additional support payment to jigidi if there were a way to do that.


Just joined. Where else can you find quality entertainment for $.20 a day!


I joined. I LOVE JIGIDI!


@RandomWorship Yes, they do look at the comments. They said so in the sentence I quoted. My point was that they do not answer questions here. If someone is genuinely asking a question in hopes of getting an answer, the support form is the way to get it.


I am happy to pay. Please make payments payable through Paypal


@Bluebonnet - this is also a repeat of something I have said previously on one of these posts - but I like to ask questions/express my view on these posts, as I think it encourages others who perhaps don't feel so bold.

I also suspect that TPTB WILL look at these comments and the requests for paypal - as addressing that will facilitate people doing what TPTB are asking for - take out a paid membership in a safer online way.

And I agree that that TPTB are unlikely to give those with legacy arrangements access to the verification tick - as it would be a disincentive to becoming a paid member under the newer loyalty arrangements... but even a variation - say the green tick without the star, would be appreciated to show that I'm verified.

I want to join but I am not okay to giving out my credit card no. I use ppaypal on line and it is not on offer through your site, Any ideas?

Greatly appreciate Jigidi. I'm happy to pay for the Plus membership for all the long hours of challenge and enjoyment I receive from Jigidi. Thank you for creating Jigidi.

I don't see ads on jigidi, but I do see ads on other sites.
There are no special settings for jigidi.
I don't know, what I am doing wrong.


@RandomWorship I have a Legacy Plus membership on each of my accounts because I paid for both accounts in the past. So far I have not received a green tick on either one, and I think we are not being given that verification to encourage us to buy an annual membership going forward. (I am holding off on that for now.)


From Jigidi admin, via a previous blog post (actually, they have said this numerous times):


The support system can be accessed by going to "Support" beneath "Help" in the dark blue box at the bottom of every page, but here's the link:


This is also the way to make suggestions for changes you would like to see on Jigidi.


I see that as a part of this program that you've rolled out a green tick for Jigidi Plus membership holders saying that it's in part to confirm they are a "verified account by a paid subscription". For someone in my situation, who was a very early (financial) supporter of Jigidi, so have legacy arrangements in regards to Jigidi Plus - will I also receive that verification status? And where someone holds multiple accounts, will it apply to all of them? (❛ᴗ❛)

And given that I am now considering upgrading my support, I also want to put in a request for paypal, which is my preferred online payment method. (❛ᴗ❛)


if the ad blocker is off, do the advertisers know that you are seeing their ads?


I do not use an ad blocker.

I love this site and I don't use an ad blocker so will continue to support in that way for now. Will be happy to sign up for a membership if paypal payment becomes an option. Thanks so much for the hours of entertainment!


I received a Jigidi membership for Christmas and the absence of ads provides me with more puzzle workspace on my phone. But more features for paid subscribers would make sense if you want more plus members.


I am happy to be Jigidi Plus member--to support Jigidi and to avoid ads. Jigidi puzzles, photos, and my Jigidi community are all very important to me. I would be happy to make a small donation in addition to my small membership fee--when I renew and at other times of the year. Please consider making that possible and easy. ~Patsy


I couldn't be without jigidi and all the cats and people! I have met. It's a wonderful place that I've learned so much from. It's a place for friendships and shared interests. I am happy to be a plus member and encourage others to join me. It is worthwhile!

Just joined. Jigidi, with all its benefits, is so worth the $18.00 membership cost. It is a small fee for the enrichment and enjoyment provided—in a stress-free environment, as annerbelleann just described. Like her and others, I prefer paying the fee rather than be bombarded with ads, and am so grateful to be able to make this choice.

I am quite happy to pay a subscription. Ads are a pain in the proverbial. I can understand why a site has them but they are so frustrating. To me they dont help you to relax and enjoy what is a very good way to do just that. And for $18, or the equivalent, its well worth the money.


@jwmckinney2002 You can keep subscribed, because the ones you speak to, that are not members, will never get to know if you are a member or not. When a person is not a member cannot see whether other persons are or not. When a person is a member is the only way that can see wether others are or not.


I will not renew my subscription because a lot of people on her either will not talk to you or they will talk down on you like they are better then other people. By.


Thanks for creating and operating this great site. Please take all necessary steps to ensure it for the future.

I'll watch ads 😎


yes, please look into Paypal options for payment.


I will be deleting jigidi puzzles. I am not paying for it. from jennie c


@quartina Jigidi admin does not usually respond to questions asked in comments. Use the support form:



I am trying to pay US $18, but it keeps declining by debit card which is just fine. Is this because I chose not to do that 'link' thing? This is the only card I have!

I have been on Jigidi for about 10 years now. It has helped me through the darkest of times and I definately will support you.
thank you for all you do for so many of us....I know I'm not the only one who has "dark times"
Thanks again


I agree the appearence of ads in Jigidi as I am convinced this is the best way to support Jigidi and to secure the money needed for the future of our fav puzzle site.


@Bluebonnet I and almost ALL of my family and friends have been using and ENJOYING items from Temu for over a year with absolutely NO ISSUES!!! They have fast shipping and EXCELLENT customer service!!!

Now, as far as Jigidi Plus goes, I will be joining as soo as I get my check next Saturday, as this is my absolutely FAVORITE puzzle site, and I want to help keep it alive.


I have been a member of Jigidi Plus for a couple of years now and I love the experience.

Could you look into adding PayPal to the payment options?

I just upgraded my original Jigidi Plus (now called, I gather, "legacy"), and because it won't roll over for several months, thought I'd renew now to get you the money sooner. PayPal, though, wasn't an option. I trust *you*, but am really reluctant to supply bankcard info online these days. (I don't remember how I originally paid--in less cautious days--and for all I know you have my info on file somewhere.)

You may find others who would be readier to sign up for the same reason.


I always use ad blockers because advertisements severely disrupt my focus. Having said that, I'm always more than willing to pay for good websites and software. Jigidi cannot exist without income, and also being a Plus-member is a sign of appreciation! A sign of belonging to the Jigidi community as well. And after all... the Plus membership costs as much per year as buying one decent jigsaw puzzle in a shop!


I too have been a Jigidi Plus member for a couple of years now and look forward to any nice-to-have features in the future.


I love using Jigidi and $18.00 USD is only $1.50 per month. My honey has gifted me with a Jigidi membership for the past two years on my birthday, and I love not having the ads in my way.

Encouraging members to buy a friend a membership as a gift might generate revenue. So many older people are on fixed incomes.

Perks for members sounds interesting. I can't wait to see what y'all come up with. I'm grateful to everyone backstage who makes Jigidi happen for us, I'm sure it is a challenge.

Thank you, Magnus and Mette, Jigidi. 💞 Gail


@Bluebonnet, that is pointless and not an incentive to those which have add blockers.

I was considering joining, but would prefer to use PayPal.


@WillEckerslike the premium member extra is not seeing ads.


@julie88 You can click on the link to "become a Jigidi Plus member" in M&M's last paragraph above or look in the column headed "Jigidi" in the dark blue box at the bottom of the page. Where it says "Plus."


Quick question, will updating my current "membership" status require updating every 6 months?


I don't mind paying for what I use. But I will not disable my ad blocker. Ads are not a god-given right for everyone who puts up a web page, and I do not have to look at them if I don't want to.


I have been a plus or as is sometimes called a premium member on other online communities, but they all offer premium member extras, there has to be some kind of initiative to entice people to join, and I am surprised that this has never been offered before, being allowed to post a couple more puzzles a day for example would be one such feature, if and when new member features are rolled out I will sign up straight away.


I don’t have the money to donate at the moment, but since I also don’t have an Adblock I’m helping that way.

Thank you for making such a great social platform.


How do L join?


Just joined. Thank you Jigidi.


I have been on Jigidi over six years and just love it. I never was never worried with the ads. If something caught my eye, I would check it out. I have been considering joining Jigidi Plus but, now there is more incentive to join. when I finish this posting I will join. Thank you Jigidi, keep up the great service.

I will keep this in mind if I ever get adblocker.
There have been times when the picture in adblocker is interesting and I have carelessly clicked it thinking I will do their puzzle, LOL.


Magnus and Mette: May I make a plea for somehow ensuring that ads for Temu do not appear on Jigidi? Temu is owned by a Chinese company (by the Chinese government, many suspect) and is quite controversial. There are lawsuits, evidence of malware, concerns about data gathering for the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Here is Wikipedia, not the best source of bias-free, accurate information, but a place to start:



Adblocker is disabled! Thanks for the opportunity to use jigidi!


The value for money on this site demanded a membership long ago :) 11/10 would recommend :D

No problem joining jigidi plus, but I just got a new iPad and it says the app no longer exists. Are there plans to bring it back?


I did not know I had an ad blocker, but when I got my new computer, I noticed I no longer saw ads on Jigidi. So I believe I will join - 18 USD is not too much for the enjoyment I get here.


I'm in too! I spend a lot of my retirement time on Jigidi and it keeps me sane and entertained! Thank you for creating and maintaining this program!


My Ad Blocker is now disabled for Jigidi! Thank you for all you've done for me! It's the least I can do in return! 👍

I'm in ! Thanks so much for all you have done for me. This support cost is less than my peanut butter annual expense


At 79 years old, ads in any forum are a rude disruption to my ability to concentrate. This is especially true for working puzzles. I compare it to someone screaming in my ear when I'm napping, just to get a reaction, and ads don't make a difference in my buying habits.

Did we get the translation wrong? Give us feedback