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I like the look of the branches with the sky as a background. The Palo Verde is the state tree here in Arizona...Bernadette
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  1. SoniaR5:44
  2. jackandzoe8:08
  3. jbprols8:59
  4. milokar10:12
  5. kiyopee10:24


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They were nice folks.


Instead of him taking them for a walk, they took him! He must have had a heck of a time getting back home! Poor guy! He was lucky they found their way back home! He must have had quite a story to tell.


Bernadette, I'll share an old family story with you. I had a great-uncle, maybe he was a great-great uncle. He was about 85 when I was a teenager in the 1960s. He and his wife lived in farm country in western New York State, which has lots of snow every winter. Some fool family member gave him two husky puppies for Christmas one year. They were not little, they were almost full grown, and they had all the energy puppies can have. Christmas afternoon he hooked them up to their new leashes and took them out to do their business.

He disappeared off the face of the earth. Everybody was sure he was dead and frozen somewhere in the vast snowy countryside. Hours went by, and then finally the huskies found their way back to the house with him still holding their leashes. He was no match for them, and after that he took them out one at a time!


Thank you, Sonia! 🌟☺

Very artsy photo, interesting tree.

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