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LOL#83 How To Give A Cat A Pill

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1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in
left arm and repeat process.
3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
4) Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear
paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
5) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.
6) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.
7) Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap.
Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.
8) Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill inside end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.
9) Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.
10) Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
11) Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.
12) Call fire brigade to retrieve the f------ cat from tree across
the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.
13) Tie the little b**tard's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of steak filet. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
14) Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the
emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and remove pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.
15) Arrange for RSPCA to collect "mutant cat from hell" and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.
1) Wrap it in cheese.
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  2. LLLZ0:13
  3. Ianto0:14
  4. CrazyCAT540:14
  5. fuseau0:14
  6. JacquiB120:15
  7. iceng0:15
  8. MatBattle0:15
  9. dobrajaneckova0:15
  10. jam624990:15


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Mmmm... I see your point about the gloves :)


These particular fireplace gloves went up to the elbow. Necessary when Opus saw a needle.


Heidi, Mine so far haven't been smart enough to spit the slurry back at me, thank goodness and I do find the "old style" oven gloves to work quite well. Claws and teeth can't penetrate them either, and like you, I give all of my animals their shots. Saves a lot of problems. :)


Opus was an average sized Domestic Shorthair, white with a few yellow spots.


Heidi was Opus a Maine Cune Cat, I would love to have had one only now got Rowley and she has only three legs her Mum grewed her back leg off getting to grips with the after birth sadly. but she is most loving and the dog gets on with now after her mate was killed on our main road sadly.


Does sound that way, doesn't it?


Heidi are you sure that Opus wasn't a miniature tiger ? ♪♥♥♫


I've had cats spit that slurry back in my face, thank you. I find heavy duty fireplace gloves work better. They're thick enough that you can hold burning logs and not feel the heat. Claws and teeth cannot penetrate.
I had one cat (named Opus) who was sweet and loving.... unless he saw a syringe. Then he went mad. When I took him into the Vet Clinic to be neutered, I warned them about him, and brought along the fireplace gloves. I don't think they believed me. When the technician went to his cage to take him out to put him under for the surgery, he was rubbing himself against the bars, purring like fury. So she opened the door and reached in to give him the shot.... with no protection. She was hospitalized. And he had the 2 Vets cornered in the surgery in terror until they could finally trap him. They listened to me after that. BTW... I gave my animals their shots myself, so I was well aware how dangerous Opus was.


I had saved this to do "later" and finally got to it. I am actually rubbing the tears from my eyes as I write this. I couldn't even get through it before I couldn't see it for the tears of laughter. I see you have cats. I do as well. This is so accurate. Even the "oven" gloves weren't as much help as I thought they would be. However, I got old and wise. So, now I crush it put a little water in to make a slurry and put that in a feeder syringe and there we go !!!! You just stick the syringe in the side of their mouth and squirt. No way to get it back out. Just a little advice from an Old Cat Lady. :))))))


Love your instructions - they are totally hilarious. Beautiful cat!



Have a good laugh at this one Babe (Ꙭ)




I absolutely love his look and pose.


Oh, what fun! Too funny & too true... Thank you!


@mackabroin I agree. This cat is the perfect photo for this puzzle. LOL


Well I laughed so hard I spewed Pepsi out my nose and all over the computer, but it was SO worth the cleanup to remember those cat pill times!


Only too true!


Going to the Vet Clinic intimidates them enough to behave.


I totally agree with firstdawn, it's really hard to give a cat any kind of pill, I even tried putting inside some cheese but she spit it right back out, I had to take her to the vet every day for two weeks to have the vet give it to her. Of course, he had no problem giving it to her and she swallowed it every time. SHEEZ! LOL Monica ♥


I really hate giving a cat a pill. Usually they will take the first one OK but then they get wise and it's downhill from then on.

I have found that chunky peanut butter works with dogs.


I'm laughing so hard I haven't even finished reading. My Siamese was exactly like this. She'd pretend she swallowed it and once you stopped paying attention you'd find it on the floor. She'd even let it partially dissolve in her mouth before spitting it out. My husband was badly bitten when he tried and his finger swelled up. Finally, I had to pulverize it, mix it well in her food, and hope she'd eat. She'd leave the food until it crusted over hoping we'd feel sorry for her. Eventually she'd eat her disgusting bowl of food. Next day - repeat. I actually think she started to like crusted over food versus fresh.

She's been gone many, many years but I will always miss her.

Thanks so much for today's laugh.


hilarious dawn.....sooo funny........I guess because it is so true...I will give it a try the cat in the picture is "just right"


That has been my experience with dogs, gtooi. Wrap it in cheese or meat.


Ho, how we love our animals when they are ill and disguise theire pills. LOL!!!
Thanks Heidi you are the greadest.

So true, but we always wrapped our cat pills in cheese. In fact, after an accident and long series of pills, our cat used to limp into the kitchen any time he wanted a piece of cheese ?


It's easy to 'pill' Seal. I just put a bit of a treat between my lips. He's not standing on my lap, whining in delight. Open mouth, shove pill down his throat, then let him "kiss" the treat from between my lips! Done! Green loves the pill and takes it raw, but likes the treat as a chaser. Plum shouldn't get that pill, but takes it raw like Green.

This is a funny piece, Dawn, but let's face it, dogs ARE easier!


The gloves are in there.


I think you forgot the part about gloves, long sleeves, jacket, face shield...


Hahaha Dawn, I only read No 1 because we don't have a cat but then thought it looked a long list and looked again. Hilarious ........... our golden retriever would eat anything of course so pills were never a problem. (Ꙭ)


Hilarious!!! Thank you:)


I haven't had so much fun in a long time !!! :-)


I have 2 dogs on pills. Sandy gets 5 pills twice a day to keep her comfortable, since she has bone and lung cancer. Timmy is on 4 pills a day for his epilepsy. They both get them wrapped in either bacon or smoked turkey breast. They adore both.


Poor cat, my dog is on pills sadly from the vet to stop her scraching due to a mite but let cat eat her food and then go out into the garden put new cat food down in the cat's bowl add pill dog thinks cat gone eat all of cat food pill taken. Thee Hee. !!!

Ditto, I knew what was coming and laughed as if I'd read it for the first time. Unfortunately, it's pretty accurate. : )


@firstdawn Any user that completed this or any user?




Thanks you ☺


I've read this before, and it never fails to bring tears of laughter to my eyes.


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