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The Quiet Man
Cong, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
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  1. spalki13:46
  2. Hoefboer13:47
  3. scotianrob16:43
  4. tilt18:05
  5. sihecht18:39
  6. billvose20:17
  7. dfmurphy20:37
  8. tweez12420:59
  9. Lantsy23:36
  10. birdlady7325:05


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@Landshark OMG Is that true! I can`t imagine ,,,,, LOL

You all knew that on the 'famous stretch of the legs' walk that when John Wayne dragged Maureen O'Hara down the hill, John Wayne on put sheep do-do on the hill before the scene was shot :-)


One of my favorite movies.

dfmurphy,thank you for your answer.


It's in the village of Cong in Ireland, which is where they filmed the movie The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara.

What is the inspiration of this work of art and where is located ? It produces an impact.
Thanks for posting it.

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