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Mercado ~ Joaquin Sorrollo y Bastida (Spanish, 1863-1923)

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Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida was a Spanish painter. Sorolla excelled in painting portraits, landscapes, and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water. Wikipedia
Born: February 27, 1863, Valencia, Spain
Died : August 10, 1923 (age 60 years), Cercedilla, Spain
Periods : Impressionism , Luminism
Children : Maria Sorolla Garcia , Elena Sorolla , Joaquin Sorolla Garcia
Parents : Concepcion Bastida , Joaquin Sorolla
Spouse : Clotilde García del Castillo (m. 1888–1923)
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  1. Dclo1:00
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  4. Notathome21:39
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  9. jxner2:15
  10. adash2:20


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I worked it with 100 pieces and it was wonderful!


What a gem, Haze. You discovered a trove? And quality resolution too! I've just returned from Madrid where I went exclusively to see an exhibition of work of Joaquin Sorolla! I was thrilled. But didn't see this one! I have seen this before, but not in a good photo and not with decent resolution. THANK YOU!

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