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The afternoon before destructive tornados hit Mississippi on the night of Dec 09, 2023

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The afternoon before deadly tornados swept through Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama and headed northeast.
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  1. diannez1:12
  2. Ianto1:26
  3. Louie11711:31
  4. Pekaji1:39
  5. CFran1:40
  6. wshealy1:46
  7. RoanokeRose1:47
  8. Frankie_Johnnie2:02
  9. CrazyHair2:35
  10. bud742:44


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🙂 @4felines


@Tolemancat, it is interesting to know that the lousy weather in the UK differs from our lousy USA weather. Thank you for stopping by. ~Martha


Such an amazing sky. Where I live in the UK we never even get a decent thunder storm, but lately an awful lot of rain. I love sky watching & have a collection of photos on my phone, but nothing so awe inspiring. Thank you for sharing it @4felines


Replying about the referenced links is okay because we are on my puzzle page. The picture is of a cotton gin. As you probably noticed, the photo is old. The gin is outmoded and not operable today. We still grow cotton (among other things), but we do not gin our own cotton. I no longer live on the farm. I was at home visiting when the tornado happened.

Someone on another farm saw the tornado coming toward his farm and took a picture of it, later sending it to the newspaper. It was called a "killer" tornado.


Martha, I wasn't sure if I should reply here or on those links. I chose here. The picture of the gin was interesting. Please forgive my ignorance, what was produced there?

As for the tornado, it looks huge and dark.

Thank you for sharing,


They terrify me, too, Pam. Below is a picture of one that I was in. We sheltered in the deep basement of our gin on the farm.

This is the gin:

The tornado:


Martha, I spent my childhood living up and down the West Coast because my father was Coast Guard. I've been through several earthquakes and even one tsunami warning when we were in Alaska, but just the thought of ornadoes terrify me. Sincerely.


It is sad, Pam. In the deep South, tornados are not uncommon during particular inclement weather, but thank you for admiring my puzzle. ~Martha


Sad that such beautiful cloud formations proceed disasters.


I don't dare not try to get a picture of Leo watching Nancy. I held him near my laptop monitor, and he would not look at it, so I enlarged it to a full screen. After a minute, the chipmunk movement caught his eye, and he became enthralled. If I made the laptop available to him, I fear he would go after it and scratch my screen. ~Martha


Martha, I am so pleased Leo loved the video. Now can we get a puzzle of Leo and the video? Thank you. Nancy


Nancy, my cat Leo LOVED the video you sent to me. It is the best. I even subscribed to it. Thank you so much. ~Martha


Hi Martha,

I found one you might like on youtube. It has nice comments. There were also many with mice, but I couldn't stand to watch them...I hate mice. You can search on youtube for videos for cats and you will find a lot of them. Nancy


Martha, the cat puzzle I tagged you in said his cat was watching on "the cat video website". That is what I was referring to. There must be a website that plays mouse video's. I'll look and see if I find it I can find it.


Nancy, I do not have a site of my cat watching a mouse video or any other video. I think I have seen the one you are thinking of, but I don't remember whose cat it was. ~Martha


I think you should share it in a larger size so more people can see it. It is just gorgeous!
Also would you please see if you can find the cat video site to show your cat watching the mouse, and share a picture? Thank you.


Thanks, Nancy. I got the puzzle that you mentioned. I'm glad you like the cloud photo. I hurriedly took it with my phone camera - it was too remarkable to pass up. ~Martha



Hi, impressive clouds and nice shot! Glad to hear all is well with you.
I am going to tag you on a puzzle I just came across and instantly thought of you and your cat. I think you will love it! Thanks for sharing my favorite...clouds :)


Yes, Evie, we did have this storm. We were under a tornado watch and had strong thunderstorms. I now have a TON of leaves all over my backyard, my front yard, on the roof, etc.... But I'm just thankful there was no damage -- just like you! Thanks for thinking about me! 💚💜


I am glad your wind storm hit only the power.


Didn't know about those. We had a wind event here today and a lot of people are without power, but nothing destructive. Thankful for that.
@sassysarahp123 Did you have this storm ?

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