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Kite Festival--Saved for a Grey Day

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This was taken during the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C., last March, and saved to savor at this time of year. As an adjunct to the main festival, there is a Kite Festival on the grounds of the Washington Monument. This shot shows only a few of the hundreds of kites flying in the clear blue sky!

(I don't think any people in the shot are close enough to be identifiable, but I scrubbed out the faces just in case....)
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  1. GoWings5:43
  2. cdsmith6:05
  3. Bemusement7:09
  4. margie1238:53
  5. janwehrwilcox10:53
  6. Jbprols212:00
  7. medlovice12:11
  8. ckthorup12:58
  9. Puzzmn13:53


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It was! It apparently accompanies every year's Cherry Blossom Festival.

Looks like a fun festival!

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