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I found a couple more of these posters that made me giggle.
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  1. Brian6660:06
  2. gc20190:06
  3. ullauhrskov0:07
  4. mariolyn0:08
  5. Robbos0:08
  6. greet490:08
  7. smpitino0:09
  8. alias2v0:09
  9. Zos10:10
  10. louieblouie0:10


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I know it is a joke. A very funny joke.

This is a silly picture of a perfectly normal Rat Terrorist being what they all are.... funny dogs.


You guys know this is a con, right?

Too right, Surreal_Heidi


I just think it's funny.


Cooler heads should have prevailed way back when this dog was a little puppy!


Both Klaus AND his owner need the training.


NEEDS Obedience training!!!!!!!!!!!

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