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  1. fed196016:59
  2. kljk21:25
  3. SFW30:45
  4. jubatis31:08
  5. justmedvb4543:11
  6. DandySandwich43:44
  7. AlanJeffries52:50
  8. Deichschaaf56:00
  9. sun22551:22:15


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Hello jubatis, thanks for your post and comment, I hope my picture brought back good memories for you.
I have another bunch of cards that I will publish in the next few days that you might be interested in.
I have about 6 legacy PC's I have built up or repaired that can run OS's from W98 to W2K and of course, a DOS environment, these I built mainly for playing many of the old games that would only run in a DOS environment however they do play some other games too, it's a hit-and-miss affair!
All these pc's have a 3.5" floppy drive and on one pc I even have a 5.25" floppy drive for some of those very old games.


oh yes I know these well I used to do inspection on this sort of item. after I learned how to assemble them.

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