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Another nice 51 victoria
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Was glad to see you back with some new puzzles.
Missed you since last seen Sept '19.
Are you okay?


Shoot, I was wanting to wish you Happy Birthday... just a little late. but Happy Birthday anyway.
77 for you 75 for me, born in '45.

My new 351W engine was running good in my car. ,, but then I took the car apart to change to power steering, and it has been apart for 2 or 3 months now. I am still going to pull the engine out and change the oil pan to one I like better. Just something to do in retirement. I'll get it back together in another month or two. I did all the interior while it was apart this time.

2020 virus puzzle time. ha ha. I bettered my time on this puzzle from 8:21 to 7:09.

and by the way, you're right ......I'm a 1943 model.

And a happy birthday to you too Pat! I can tell that you're enjoying the new engine in Vickey. Keep it up....that's what keeps us young in heart and body; and besides that , when you turn 70 it's perfectly legal to rack your pipes and run into the house and turn off all the lights .


@k5wno, Just wanted to say Happy Birthday. Guess you just turned 75? I think you are 2 years older than I. March 13th, right?


Really nice car. thanks k5wno.

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