Hello WillEckerslike, thanks for your comment. I am a conservationist and I generally do return trout to the water as I did with this one, however, I do enjoy eating a trout every now and then. Here in Australia, particularly the east/south-eastern states there are very stringent daily bag limits some of which are seasonal and can vary from one trout to a maximum of five trout. Rivers and streams in Victoria have a closed season from June to September inclusive whereas lakes and general impoundments are not subject to a closed season. Combined with these bag limits there are also size limits where, for example in Victoria, of a bag limit of five salmonids (which is the family trout belong to) no more than two trout may be over a length of 35 centimetres. Some rivers and streams even have different daily bag limits than the "standard" above. Specific lakes such as Lake Purrumbete and Lake Bullen Merri are stocked with Chinook Salmon, Brown and Rainbow Trout and here again different regulations govern size and bag limits. On some impoundments such as a personal dam on a given property such as a dairy farm there are no size or bag limits but the owners of these impoundments generally practice sensible utilisation of the salmonids.
Hello Swampperson, I regularly fished the Eucumbene River in the Snowy Mountains, New South Wales, in Australia, the river running into Lake Eucumbene, part of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme. This was a 2.5kg female Rainbow Trout in Nov 1993, just taken out out the water. Usually Rainbow Trout (and Brown Trout) are more of a silvery colour but during the spawning season they become a darker colour. November was just after the no-fishing closed season (to allow the fish to swim upstream to spawn) had finished, the fish retained the darker colours till end Dec early January. This river predominantly contains Brown and Raindow Trout. Most of my fishing was done on the Eucumbene River near the old gold rush township of Kiandra and at Three Mile Dam which was stocked annually with any combination of Brown, Rainbow or Brook Trout and was where I had my tent set up, ref the links below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiandra,_New_South_Wales https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/camping-and-accommodation/campgrounds/three-mile-dam-campground
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