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Kern Aarau Nº 22 level

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Last week, I found this level at a flea market.
It's extremely small size. Could not find anything on this Nº 22, but it seems very similar to the GK1 level. That GK1 is German language "Gelenk Kopf" translates to "Joint Head", which could easily be set about level.
Unfortunately, I only have a tripod with a flat head. The 3D printer came to the rescue printing a workable bajonet mount.
It may not look like it, but GK1 has ±4 mm per km accuracy.
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  1. rrfan6:54
  2. Ianto9:46
  3. basic10:16
  4. walkingbarb5012:55
  5. vvkathy21:43


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