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Thank you John

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This sketch was made upon a John Harrison's painting. John is a trained graphic designer with a strong illustrative background. Drawn to pen and ink from and early age, John specialises in painting and sketching using line and wash techniques. Sketching in a quick, loose style is perfect for on the spot sketches which are worked up into a finished painting and John shares his passion for these techniques with enthusiasm!

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You are welcome, Marcia! :))


Nice to be missed, thank you! - Marcia


I was missing your comments, mydogandonandon. Thank you for being back! :))


I agree with Bill as well! So fresh, and clean, and uncluttered! And that blue is to die for. Well, your country is to die for, but that shade of blue comes a close second, for sure.


I'm going to try, Plum. Thanks for commenting. :))


I would reiterate everything Bill said. Please post more of this artist's work, Fernando.


I am sure he liked you too, Bill. ;-)
He has got plenty of interesting sketches. I enjoyed them very much.
Thanks for dropping by.


Nice work, Fernando. Crisp. I like the shadow. And I enjoyed meeting John; thanks for the introduction.

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