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rolling pin layout

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I've got a rolling pin especially for pasta which I got from Sicily but have never seen these.
Importing anything from US for us would be very expensive (very high tax!!) What I can do is ask an old friend who visits us every few years to get one down for me. Of maybe I'll wait till I pop over myself :-)) I really need to travel!!!


My pin was passed down from my grandmother - they've been around a while. If these are Springerle cookies, which I've never seen in chocolate, they're a Christmas tradition, so the equipment would stat showing up now, or you could go online.


What a lovely idea!!! Love it!! Haven't seen them here yet - I'm sure I will end up buying one when I do!! tfs


What a good idea this Rolling Pin is!


@morepiecesplz That's so cool! I've never seen the in-progress stage before.


I thought perhaps that was what happened. Thanks, Joan.


I assume that the dough is then cut with a cookie cutter that makes the fluted edges.


Thanks, Joan. I've seen the rolling pins but never seen one used. But how do you get from this flat panel to the round ones like in your other puzzle?


@AngelFire - I didn't want you to miss this (as I miss your posts!). I guess it's chocolate. That's vaguely like my springerle pin, but the designs I got were never this sharp.


Nice! :)

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