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Patterns and Pearls

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300 pieces
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 594 pieces.
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  1. noelw19:05
  2. classyashly21:21
  3. troutmma21:51
  4. Labyrinth22:47
  5. NajaHelena23:44
  6. absoluta23:55
  7. IanG25:17
  8. serenity25:40
  9. HaH25:46
  10. Nerual26:12


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I so enjoyed this one!

Nice one thank you

So much fun, thank you!!


Loved it!! Loved all those gradations of colour that you're famous for. It was such a pleasure to solve, Raini. Thank you so much. I'm so glad you came for a visit. Take care, my dear. :-)


OMG, Raini!!!! So nice to see you!!! :D Happy Easter! I hope all is going well with you and yours and that you're having a fine Easter weekend. It's so kind of you to drop by and leave all these lovely Easter Eggs. What a nice gift! I'm off to piece them together. I'll be back shortly.

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