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Spirit of Spring for my 'Quick' friends

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It would surprise me, it's a matter of how many people you get to vote, not how brilliant your product is! I'm hoping my jigidi friends will vote for me but whatever, it's nice to be nominated. Closing vote-day is 2nd May, results day is 13th June, so it's a way off. I'll keep you up to date!


It would not surprise me at ALL if you won, Eyes!!! Keep us posted!!!! :)


Hi Niccolino! No, I don't do Olney, it's too expensive for me; happily I'm kept busy with my weekly market and orders, not to mention the hats and Talks. Please vote for me in the awards thing, just follow the link, you'll see me! Keep well, dear.

Thank you Lajuin, please you like it. It's fun to wear, it sits over the head like a crown, rather than round the brow like a garland. Thanks for your encouragement!


Very nice, Zena. Good Luck!


How wonderful, Zena! I'm crossing my fingers for you. Do you ever come to the Olney Farmers Market? They have one once a month. Would love to see you there!


Happy Spring to you, dear Pumpkinhead! I hope you're doing fine.
This is for the Spring Market I'll be attending. I've been nominated for Best Farmers Market stand on under my Sunday name (Home-baked Gluten-free in Wixams) so wouldn't it be fun if I won?


The Spirit of Spring is aptly named, dear eyes! Happy almost spring!

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