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Today's weather . . . . .

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  1. Ninja20230:05
  2. kareng0:07
  3. JillianB0:07
  4. Zebrapleco10:07
  5. Ianto0:07
  6. vfdl470:07
  7. PLG19580:09
  8. MGo0:09
  9. sobby90:10
  10. rndixon0:10


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Jillian, yes!!! LOL . . . Hugs*


😆good one! Thanks


PLG1958 I thought it was too funny not to share! TFP Patti . . . Hugs*


Wayne, he was living on the wild side! :~)) That sunscreen is a life saver! Hugs*


shaatnez7 You are most welcome. I think we feel like Southern California is baking us all right now! TFS . . . *U*


Ha ha ha! Love this! Thanks Voronica!


He didn't wear any sunscreen today.

So Funny!! Thank you!!

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