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Ornament Reflection

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You can just see the wolfhound in the ornament.
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  1. debodi7:50
  2. pauleysteph10:24
  3. puzzler4911:37
  4. posfoo14:05
  5. Bluebonnet15:18
  6. lea43th16:09
  7. akconklin16:50
  8. LDillard18:01
  9. sandyss20:16
  10. MariavanE25:31


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This is a great photo ! Thanks for posting.


It’ll be the same for us (quiet) until midnight, when someone decides to let of fireworks or blast their horns, but what the heck it’s only for a few minutes and we’ll wake up and think its 2022. Happy New Year. Hugs.


@lea43th, isn't it wonderful?! Frank is so talented, and a wolfhound person as well, as I'm sure you've assumed. Happy New Year to you as well. I will be spending mine at home with my husband and wolfhounds, and Dickens, our Border Terrier!


How amazing is that? Really unusual, thanks Jenn and a late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year. Hope it’s a good one.


It was, thank you! :-)


Never too late my friend! Hope your Christmas was filled with joy. xx


I hope I'm not too late to wish you a Merry Christmas, Jenn! And happy holidays all round. ~ Blue

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