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Mikie spying on the neighbors

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  1. kebabie17:32
  2. margitsz18:43
  3. carrps22:12
  4. bjj22:41
  5. Talana23:16
  6. auntiedallen1226:51
  7. RobbyRatpoison28:08
  8. auntydodo31:56
  9. Janje342:32
  10. madale1:03:30


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We live in Phoenix, AZ where everyone's backyard is enclosed by walls! Hard to get to know your neighbors unless ... you have a spying dog. Mikie and I met the nice family next door by introducing ourselves as we BOTH peeked over this block wall. We've gotten too old now to hop up on that metal box. Maybe we'll remove a block at eye level :))))


Looks like he is enjoying whatever’s going on over there!

Dogs can get away with a lot of things that people could never do!


Hmmmm, where are his binoculars?

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