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  1. julierm38:54
  2. AlanJeffries41:50


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Hello Suzanne @DaisyBella, I haven't heard from you in a while, I hope you are well and the warmer weather has arrived where you are and you are still making soft toys for the children.
Not sure if you have seen some of my latest puzzles, my "creative imagination" a day or so ago "inspired" me to create a few simple puzzles that are just monotone colours....but still a challenge!
Hope to hear from you soon,


Suzanne @DaisyBella1 I learnt quickly at the age of 12yo on our farm that animals are much more perceptive and intelligent than the average human thinks they are and yes, they are a very good judge of character!
Our cows had a pecking order when they used to come into the dairy, the older ones would butt the younger ones out of the way and push their way in front in their eagerness to get into the milking stage and feast on the treat we used to give them, I can't remember exactly what it was but it was something like a mix of oats and a few other things.
I am about to go outside and do some work in the garden and so Alpha Cat Suzanne have a great day and we'll catch up soon.

@AlanJeffries. Dogs and cats know who is a good person and animal lover. Angel must be more of an introvert than I am. She will be 11 in August. After we got her fixed at 5 months. she went from a friendly kitten to slowly as she is now. She bullied her older sisters and is happy she is the only cat now. She thinks she's the alpha cat, but I am really the Alpha cat,. Who feeds you and can use a can opener fro tuna, ME.LOL I think she didn't like my late partners friends anymore than I did. You and your wife are close in age to me. I will be 69 on April 13, and next year the big 70. Can't believe that.
Enjoy your weekend. I wanted to get Tibetan Bell seeeds but they are hard to come by, at a reasonable price. But these will be lively. Suzanne


Hello Suzanne @DaisyBella1 I laughed when I saw your comment about your cat not liking visitors, reminds me of the time my Wife took me to meet her parents for the first time, she said "be careful because Dad has a dog (Chihuahua) and she bites strangers!"
I replied "that's ok, I lived on a farm and have a way with animals".
Well her Mum greeted us at the front door, her Dad was sitting in his recliner watching the test cricket and the dog was standing on the floor in the middle of the lounge room, looking at me, as I walked over and shook hands with her Dad.
Wife and I then sat down on the couch, the dog still looked at me then jumped up on the couch and then onto my lap and sat down to the astonished look on my Wife's face and her Mum's.
I immediately looked over to look at her Dad and saw the expression on his face that was something like "well if the dog likes him then I like him as the dog accepted him as good enough for my daughter" the dog continued sitting on my lap as I patted her to everyone's amazement!
True story and to this day it brings a smile to my face recalling the occasion to my friends....we have been married 32 years, I was a month off 41yo, my Wife 38yo at the time, first for both of us.
The Blue Zebra Morning Glory seeds sound interesting Suzanne, I looked on google, they are an amazing colour!

@AlanJeffries Hi Alan, That was nice the family came over for lunch. As always, it was just myself and my cat Angel. She hates people so we don't have visitors coming. Not much happening here, except I am making a few things to do something. It's good to be busy and active. We need to keep moving or else we start locking up, if you have arthritis. Good for you have time catching up with your friends. I have few friends.
I hope we will finally get some good weather. I got some Blue Zebra Morning Glory seeds to decorate my balcony with. I need to have something green and living out there. Maybe I'll get some Ivy too. Old photos are always appreciated on Jigidi. They bring back memories for some. Plus we see things that we would never see in our lifetime.
Have a good weekend and a good month. Suzanne


Hello Suzanne @DaisyBella1, I hope you are well and you had a happy Easter!
We had a family day and lunch at ours on the Sunday which was nice.
Very busy this week just gone what with babysitting, shopping and a few repairs around the house.
I'm trying to find some new images I can upload to jigidi, I have a number of old photos to scan which might be ok as puzzles.
I will be away interstate later this month to celebrate ANZAC day which is an annual get together with my friends and always good to catch up.

@AlanJeffries Lucky you. I love fishing. Fresh fish fried up is so good. That's good you have lots to keep you busy, in the kitchen and outside. The more interests we have the better. Nice you have family coming. It's only my cat and me, all alone here. Every day is the same to us.
I finished some stuffies and other things which I sent to my US Jigidi friend, She was happy to get it.
I can't remember which post you mean, but that's life. Happy Easter to you, your wife and family. Suzanne


Hello @msaj, I hope you are well, I wish you a Happy Easter and hope to talk with you soon.


Hello @DaisyBella1 I hope you are well, I have been away trout fishing with my friends, we didn't have reception as we were in the bottom of the valley, we caught some good fish though as where we were is very remote and hard to get to.
Yes my Wife does all the cooking however I do the preserving of the olives, cucumbers and green tomatoes.
We have Family coming over today for Easter lunch, I wish you a Happy Easter and hope to catch up with you and Marisol soon.
I was looking for your previous post when I got back but couldn't find it?


Hello @DaisyBella1 I hope you are well, I have been away trout fishing with my friends, we didn't have reception as we were in the bottom of the valley, we caught some good fish though as where we were is very remote and hard to get to.
Yes my Wife does all the cooking however I do the preserving of the olives, cucumbers and green tomatoes.
We have Family coming over today for Easter lunch, I wish you a Happy Easter and hope to catch up with you and Marisol soon.


Hello Suzanne and good evening!
I've been using Jigidi since August 2022 and have found the demographic seems to be generally of people in their senior years which isn't a bad thing of course!
That in itself isn't a bad thing as younger people use social apps and so I think Jigidi is a good medium for people to enjoy a variety of puzzles!
I have noticed that personalities come through but I haven't encountered anyone unpleasant as yet.
I'm sorry to hear about your late partner, it is always difficult when this happens. It is good you named your cat in her memory.
I haven't met many book readers in my life, the internet seems to have overtaken the use of actual books but I agree, there is nothing better than a good book on an interesting topic.
I have a variety of books and encyclopaedia from when I was a child and intend on reading each one from start to finish as I am starting to tire of the internet and would like a "back to basics" outlook again.
My books are generally on specific topics such as fishing, geography, motor vehicles etc. and so don't contain any unpleasantries, it sounds like your books are similar and sound interesting, perhaps their topics are more of a classical nature?
Ditto on music, I like a broad varied selection from early 1900's through to about 1990, jazz, swing disco rock, blues etc. except the current rap "music" if you can call it that, are full of vulgarities and this does not appeal to me.
Likewise with commercial tv, full of junk and unrealistic "life-style" shows with unrealistic and short-term content, sometimes a good show is broadcast but generally I don't watch commercial tv.
I do watch youtube but a huge amount of videos are fake click-bait, although there is a number of interesting videos still existing on that platform.
The fruit trees we have are 4 different grape vines varieties, a black passionfruit, cherry tree, turkish fig tree, 3 different varities plum trees, 1 yellow clingstone peach which is the variety Australians get when they buy a can of peaches, two ANZAC free-stone peach trees, (I have a bowl shown at and 2 different variety apricot trees.
We grow the fruit, my brother-in-law grows vegetables and so we have a good supply of year-long fresh delicious we fruit and veg exchange!
It's good that you are close to nature, myself I'm more a country boy than city but when I met my Wife she blessed my life and as she is a city girl and all her family live in the suburbs that's where we now live, otherwise if I hadn't met her I would be living in a rural environment somewhere.
I'm glad to see you have a group of friends, I'm sure they value your friendship highly and that is very important, both for yourself and your friends.
It is good to be closer to family and if a move would bring you and your family closer and is possible and you could get assistance to make the move then it is something to cosider!
Teasing is fun and brings smiles, happiness and warm thoughts, I can sense you are a very good person who graces the lives of others.
Have a great day Suzanne, keep up the soft toys and thankyou for accepting me as a friend of yours, I'm humbled and honoured.
I will also contact Marisol to ask if she would also like to be friends with me as she is the person who introduced us and then I would have 2 nice friends myself!

@AlanJeffries Good Evening, there and Morning here, Alan. Thank you for your reply. I live in a small town East of Toronto, Canada, called Cobourg. Marisol (msaj) is in Chile. There are many really good and kind people here. And some are not so nice. Many like making jokes or bad puns, and a lot of teasing goes on. As time goes on you will get to know them.
I live alone with my cat Angel, who was named by my late partner, she died over 3 years ago. I will be 69 in April. I have no children, only cats.
It's nice you have your children and grandchildren. I have no one here but have a sister in Toronto. I have family in Winnipeg and am trying to find a way to move there.
I too have many interests. I love really old books. My oldest is from 1884. Many from 1960 back . I have little use for newer books as I find they are too full of sex, violence and the F-bomb. Take those things out, they are just fillers to make a story of 150 into 700 plus. There are some that do have a good story. I love music of all sorts, and I have over 700 cd's now. I don't like radio and watch very limited TV. I make all kinds of things and use great finds from the thrift store. I love being out in nature, and I am near Lake Ontario and can see it from my 6th floor balcony. It is about a 30 minute walk from here.
I saw your page with all the motorcycles, food, your backyard, and your Jack Russell terrier. We had lots of trees in our backyard when I was growing up. We had an apple tree, a pear tree, 2 black current bushes, rhubarb, mint, and tomatoes. I love climbing all the other trees. I was a real tomboy then. Hated dolls and dresses.
I have a box of stuffies to send out soon to Winnipeg for the children. At the moment I am making a rabbit for Carol who lives in the US. We email each otherbut got to know each other from another Jigidi puzzler. Both have been great. And then I have James in the US. I never had a real male friend before. He is something else, but I love that. He grows many vegetables, fruit and nuts on his farm. I love teasing him, and he gives as good as he takes. LOL
Well should start my day and finish up the rabbit. It is good to know you. Now I will have the honour of 2 male friends here.😁😸


Hello @DaisyBella1 (Suzanne), it's very nice to meet you, thanks for your reply and on how to tag, as you can see I have been successful in doing so!
I'm sorry to see that you labour with depression and I know it is easier said than done but if I can say try and be strong both for your own wellbeing and also for those to whom you mean so much.
It's true life doesn't seem to get easier with the onset of age, every year can seem to be a little more difficult than the previous year but one must try to remain strong and positive.
I admire the work you do for little children and they will know that a very kind and caring lady had made the toys for them which will give them strength and I hope that also gives you the strength you need too.
I too have days where I feel more energetic and others where I don't but I try not to show it so our Sons don't worry, we have three, the oldest is 30yo, married with a 2yo Son and a little girl we are excitedly waiting to be born in May 2024, we also have twin boys at 27yo, both are living their own lives now but they do come to see us at least once a week as they live in very close proximity to my Wife and I, in-between all this my Wife and I look after our Grandson twice a week which gives us so much joy, he is so much fun!
A little about myself, I am 72yo, retired since March 2017 and live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia with my Wife of 32 years.
I have a number of interests as you would be able to see if you look back through my puzzles, I haven't ridden a motorcycle since 1991 but still enjoy watching the motorcycle sports.
I Fly-Fish when I can, fiddle with PC's and have a number of old systems that I use for legacy work but also to play old games on, especially the old DOS games, I also have a number of different fruit trees in our back yard including olive trees.
We enjoy a variety of fresh fruit, we pick and cure the olives from our trees which means we don’t buy from the stores, I am now trying to work out how I can crush olives to make our own olive oil.
I also catch up with long-time friends twice a month here in Melbourne and two to three times a year with friends from Adelaide, South Australia.
So all in all my life is very busy, I haven’t looked back since I retired from the workforce, while it was enjoyable at the time it is now water under the bridge and I must make the most of the years left.
Oh and I do enjoy Jigidi puzzles and Suzanne you have the honour of being my first friend here!

@AlanJeffries Thank you so much for your kind words. I live East of Toronto and have family in Winnipeg. One of them works in the children's MRI. The staff would buy little gifts for the children so they would be brave in the MRI. Since I make stuffies and have tons of fake fur, I make them and ship them so the staff don't have to pay out as much. I embellish them so each animal is different in some way. I suffer from the darkness of depression and this is therapy for me. Some days are worse, some better, but I am still here at almost 69. I will check out the other posting.
To tag someone, look at the start of this message. you put the @ and then the name exactly . Take care and have a good weekend. Suzanne ( Daisy and Bella were my 2 calico cats. )


hello msaj and DaisyBella1, thankyou for taking an interest in these well loved soft toys, yes it is actually a duck as platypus have like a "paddle tail" similar to beavers.
these soft toys were much loved by our older twin from when he was 3yo.
these types of soft toys stay in a childs memory forever and DaisyBella1 that is a wonderful thing you are doing in making toys like this for sick children, DaisyBella1 and msaj God Bless You both and DaisyBella1 I hope feel better soon.
here is another picture you might like of a bunch of soft toys our youngest child had in days gone past!
BTW, how do you create a "tag" in Jigidi as I just type the user name and am not sure it gets to the person in question

@msaj I thought it was a platypus because of the back feet. Maybe it is a duck with no wings. LOL

@DaisyBella1-I thought that the platypus is a duck,I´ve seen many of them in ceramics.Hugs.

Nice ones @AlanJeffries, Thanks
@msaj Hola Marisol. Thanks for the tag. I have a pattern for the white platypus. At least it looks like one to me. I have been very tired for a long time and haven't done many animals. Maybe when the weather is warmer and I can go on the balcony. Adios Amiga, take care

@AlanJeffries :So beaatiful both of them.thamk you.
Allowed me to share your post with @DaisyBella1,whom makes stuffies for sick children and I am sure she will enjoy these-

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