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Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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This was taken in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. They hadn't had any rainfall for a while so I was able to see the striations in the rocks and formation better. I'm sure it would be amazing after a good rainfall.
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  1. poolcue6:24
  2. Robert506:25
  3. lyoli70227:20
  4. area518:56
  5. ccluff9:45
  6. winwickpeach9:54
  7. JES336119:54
  8. sammysmom10:11
  9. GranJ13:29
  10. Polishprincess14:15


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These are amazing falls. Severall years ago we were travelling and stayed at the Sious Falls KOA. We had given Grandma an itinerary so she knew where we were supposed to be. When we called her to check in, she asked "Where the he** is SY-OX falls?" She only got to go to school to 7th or 8th grade.

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