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White-Throated Sparrow at my new place.

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The morning light is more favorable for photography, although I still had to do some adjusting. The best time for photography here seems to be around 3 PM, at least this time of year - the part of the day where I'm busiest. I did realize, though, that I can get somewhat closer pictures, from a higher angle, if I open the kitchen window. I just have to figure out how to lean over the sink comfortably for long periods. And keep out the insects....

So this is a White-Throated Sparrow on the lawn this morning. That's a Junco behind him, which gives you an idea of comparative size - they're about the same length, but the sparrow is chunkier and more robust.

The inset at the upper right shows the head stripe - note the narrow central stripe on the crown, with wider eye-stripes. From a distance, the yellow lores may not be readily visible (particularly later in the season - this is breeding plumage), and it's not uncommon to confuse the White-Throated, which nests in this area (we're in the southern edge of their breeding range) with the White-Crowned Sparrow, which typically arrives about a week after the WTs, making a pit stop on its way to its Arctic nesting grounds, and again going the other way in the fall. The WC has a wide central stripe and narrower eye-stripes, and tends to have a taller, more oval crown than the flattened crown of the WT.
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  1. Biscuit740:36
  2. Dilubreuer0:36
  3. RZRgirl0:47
  4. Ianto0:47
  5. Warehouse0:55
  6. mbpu770:57
  7. pooh26sf1:04
  8. JGalt1:06
  9. arthurleach1:07
  10. diannez1:08


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pretty bird!


It's been one thing after another for you on the move. Slow works.


Well, to a point. I have everything out of the old house, but a pile of furniture in the garage - I'm still working on the interior. I'm over $20K over budget because of delays and overruns, and much of the interior work is waiting for me to find a source of more $. I also haven't moved all of the ancillary material - lumber, oxyacetylene torch, welder, metal, and some other stuff. I'm trying to move things only when I have a space to put them, but that's been slow because of lack of improvements here.


Great photo and description, Don. Thanks!
Does this mean you are moved in???


Thanks for the photos and the info. ~Patsy


Thank you, Don.

Very pretty bird, Thank you.

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