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Boys at the beach

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A painting I did from a photo of the boys at the beach in the Carolinas.
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  1. mariolyn5:06
  2. fergissimo5:23
  3. joyscanlon8:25
  4. Phoenix519:19
  5. rato4u9:30
  6. rtb211:39
  7. Sallycindy14:56


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mydoghasfleas sorry I didn't see this message until now! Almost two years have passed, holy cow, how did that happen! Anyways, again, I apologize for being so late in replying!

mydoghasfleas sweet of you to say so. This is of my nephews, so I unfortunately don't have it anymore. But if you have a picture of your boys at the beach, I can take a stab at it.

Well, you are an extremely talented artist. I've done hobby painting for many years, but I work with enamel paints.i absolutely love this watercolor of the two boys at the beach. It could be my two sons years ago. If it is available for purchase, or even as a print, I would love to buy it. Thank you.


CooperBumpus …. yes, I have sold a few paintings. Sometimes a painted subject just resonates with someone, and they want to buy it. And I've had a few people send me a photograph, and I've turned it into a painting for them. I'm still an amateur though, it's still a learning process. And it's watercolor, so once the brush hits the paper, there is no painting over a mistake.

Do you sell any of your work, as originals or prints?


Thank you both so much!

This is wonderful! Reminds me of my own two sons.


I like it!

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