I have been here. I tried to find it years ago when I first heard about it in 2009. I drove up and down the road that you turn off of and could not find the street. I stopped at Liberty State Park and walked around and I could see the Teardrop Memorial from afar. I tried to find the road again, but I could not get there. The area wasn't as built up back then. I think it may have been down the dirt road I saw but it didn't look/feel right to me, so I turned around and went home In 2019 I decided to give it another try and I found it. It is a nice little park right on the water. You can see the Statue of Liberty and the tip of Manhattan. The walkway is lined with square brick stones that are engraved with names, messages and memorials. This website has some good photos including a shot of the walkway: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tear-drop-monument/
I posted a photo puzzle of the Teardrop Memorial and a Tribute in Light on September 11, 2023.
Posted April 3, 2015… I ran to this beautiful puzzle! Usually, I Bookmarked to play later, when I ran to interesting ones, but yesterday, I didn’t had any left to do, so I just played « Quick Play » and it was among the suggested by Jigidi! I never heard about this story, all the posts below were very interesting, including the link! Thanks to everyone who explained and gave us the opportunity to hear about this story! Amazing! Thanks @bbandit for posting 🙏
I have seen this and know the story and I am in total agreement with @pukkiepuk and furthermore I think a gift like this should be at the cite of the World Trade Center, the world remembers and felt the pain even those who are not of our ideology, the strike that occurred was against the world not just us, France suffered with the killings, Spain Suffered with the train bombings others don't come to mind but there have been instances around the world.
Thanks for your placed link @PuzzleG , what an amazing story! I've also never heard of it before. Although tastes differ, I think it's beautiful made and very resepectful to ALL victims. Sadly to read in the article the comments and treatment to it. Wow..., the rudeness and arrogance of some people to a "gift"....... it made me (almost) speechless. "You mustn't look a given horse in it's mouth." and that's what came to my mind when I read that "further info" part. (or it must be a Trojan horse ;-) ....but then one must better look at the other end.) Anyway, TFP this bbandit and I hope it will get more attention & appreciation from the rest of the world through posts by people like you. :-)
The information I gave below was obtained from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_the_Struggle_Against_World_Terrorism. I make no claim to it, I'm just passing it on for the benefit of others who may be interested in this monument's history, as I was.
An honorable monument that should be much more widely known. The sculptor paid for this out of his own pocket, & it is valued at over $12M, US dollars. How sad that this beautiful offering of sympathy & peace was not more noticed or appreciated. In fact, it was originally rejected by the city of New York, & now rests in Bayonne, NJ. Its 11-sided base bears the names of the fallen in the 9-11 terrorist attacks & in the World Trade Center bombings. A 4 foot piece of metal from the World Trade Center has more recently been placed adjacent to it.
I had never seen nor heard of this monument so went instantly to Google and how very touching a story. I think this sculpture is beautiful and really meaningful but apparently hardly anyone in New York knows of its existence, which is pretty sad.
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