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Reinforcing the groundhog's message...

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[Referencing my previous puzzle]

Yesterday we started getting a light rain in the early afternoon. As the afternoon progressed, it changed to snow, and kept on all night. This morning, I have 8-9" of heavy wet snow, possibly with ice under it in places - and it's still snowing lightly but continuously. The tree limb touching the ground in the center right? Normally, I can walk under it. Even the bare limbs of deciduous trees are stacked with snow.

This is about the worst kind of snow to handle - you can't push it, it packs. When you shovel, at this depth it's one shovelful at a time, and it's too heavy to throw very far.

The snowblowers can't throw it as far as lighter snow, so to clear a larger area, you have to throw it twice; the middle passes dump it within the area you're eventually going to clear. Where the snow landed, it's now deeper and more packed. And the salty, slushy banks left across the driveway from the plows working all night are going to be nasty.

Gonna be some time clearing my yard, the car, and the truck today! Ah, winter!

[And the temperature is steadily falling - below zero tonight.]
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  1. JM_Cookie0:30
  2. Ianto0:42
  3. mariaanna0:44
  4. riuskaria0:45
  5. Bekkabee0:48
  6. ringleader0:55
  7. wshealy0:59
  8. jen71:00
  9. colleenrae441:16
  10. dondi1:17


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The groundhog went back into his burrow and is now sleeping the winter away. I think he's smarter than all of us. 😄


WOW Do be careful.

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