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These lovely plants, with their unique greenery and vibrant flowers, grow well in containers or as ground cover around vegetable gardens. In fact, they are often used as a trap crop in companion planting, drawing aphids and other garden pests away from the more valuable vegetables.

Nasturtium is a friend of beans, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, kale, melon, pumpkin, and radish.
Pests aren’t the only thing nasturtiums attract, however. They are also a favorite of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and their pretty fragrance makes them a good choice for cut-flower gardens, too. Pop one in your mouth, you can enjoy them after you harvest the flowers.
Nasturtiums as Edible Flowers
An important feature of all nasturtiums is their edibility! Nasturtiums’ leaves, flowers, and seedpods have a peppery, almost mustard-like taste, which makes them lovely as a salad garnish. The seedpods may also be pickled and used like capers.

Nasturtiums are grown as annual plants in most areas, though they may perennialize in frost-free zones.

There are many varieties of nasturtiums, which are divided into two main types: trailing or climbing types (Tropaeolum majus) and bush types (T. minus). As their names suggest, the main difference between them is their growth habit, with trailing nasturtiums forming long vines and bush nasturtiums remaining more compact. (Bush types are also sometimes called “dwarf” nasturtiums.)
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  1. mariolyn0:42
  2. Ianto0:46
  3. Kayker0:48
  4. 4wings50:48
  5. DLinB0:51
  6. Jbprols20:54
  7. Farawayvoices0:56
  8. tansiokchoo0:57
  9. Ohmyword0:58
  10. BOHU51CZ0:58


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Have a blessed Sunday...Bernadette


Nasturtiums in window boxes. They must look wonderful cascading over the edges. Thank you @jbprols!


I think I'm gonna plant some too!


My Dutch friend plants them every year in her window boxes.




TY Bernadette (✿◠‿◠)


Nasturtium flowers are versatile; attractive in the landscape and useful in the garden. Nasturtium plants are fully edible and growing nasturtiums can be used to lure aphids away from other plants in the garden.

Nasturtium plants are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading, or bushy. Care of nasturtiums is minimal; in fact, nasturtium plants are one of those specimens that thrive on neglect. Rich, fertile soil or too much fertilizer results in lush foliage growth and few nasturtium flowers.

Easy to grow nasturtium plants come in more than 50 varieties. Whichever type you choose for the garden, plant in a full to part sun area with well-drained but otherwise poor soil for more and bigger blooms.


Do you know if they are shade or sun plants? Love the vivid colors.

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